How to connect Gusto to TaxTaker

Overview and instructions about our integration with Gusto

Gusto's online platform makes it easy to onboard, pay, insure, and support your hardworking team. Gusto has made payroll easy. With just a few clicks, they calculate and file your payroll taxes.

TaxTaker integrates with Gusto to help streamline the claiming of the R&D Tax Credit by giving customers the option to directly import payroll and contractor expenses from their account and into their tax claim. With the R&D Tax Credit, you can now decrease or fully eliminate your payroll taxes.

Connect Gusto to TaxTaker and Import R&D Payroll and Contractor Expenses

Please ensure your Gusto account has administrator permissions before starting the import process. To connect a Gusto organization to TaxTaker:

  1. Sign in to TaxTaker
  2. Click on the dropdown menu on the top and click on Account Settings
  3. Click To Gusto and wait to be redirected
  4. Next, you will be asked to sign on to Gusto and authorize access
  5. After being redirected back to TaxTaker, you'll begin the import process
  6. If multiple companies were authorize, please select the name of the company claiming the R&D Tax Credit. If only one company was authorize, this question will be skipped.
  7. If the company has multiple addresses or locations inside Gusto, please select the one listed on the Corporate Tax Return. If only one exists, this question will be skipped.
  8. Next, select the R&D Tax Credit Claim Year for which the expenses are being imported to and click Import from Gusto
  9. The Company Information, Payroll, and Contractors will be automatically imported at this time.
  10. The data imported can be view inside their appropriate R&D Tax Claim section.

Disconnect Your Gusto Account

  1. Sign in to TaxTaker
  2. Click on the dropdown menu on the top and click on Account Settings
  3. Under Gusto Integration, click on Disconnect Gusto to remove the authorization.

Need help?

For additional information please email us directly at